Friday, 26 August 2011

Week 4 Reflection

What: We had a mystery reader today. He read Smelly Bertie. It was funny because he farted every place he went. We had an I statement circle this morning. We had word of the week, the word was fond. Today we did some work finishing the people who have finished their work on time made daffodils. We put money in the middle of them.

So What: We learnt about a new website called my studiyo. We created a quiz about ourselves.

Now What: My goal is to get all my work completed on time so I can do fun things.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Week 2 Reflection

What: This week we went to Room 12 for Buddy Art. We helped them collage the first letter of their name. We also done our own collage of a tree. We are going to make different coloured leaves to put on the tree. We also had a party because we got 10,000 hits on our class blog. We played some German ball for fun time. We have been practising for the cross country. We did some more Jump Jam. It was a competition against Room 6.

So What: I learnt how to create a link on my blog for I.T. I learnt how to speak a little bit of Chinese. I learnt how to link an o ro an a for handwriting. I learnt a new word for word of the week.

Now What: Next week my goal is to keep working hard and try to get even more work finished on time. Next week I would like to learn more new things in writing.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Week 1 Reflection

What : This week Room 15 got things from Mrs Larsen from Thailand. One of them was an Amazing flying Helicopter that spins in the air and it fly's around in circle's and lands on the ground. This week we did belonging apostrophies.  

So what : Today we did a Bp technology challenge, we get to have our own chop sticks. I learnt how to use mine.

So What: My goal is to stay at school and not get suspended.